Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

Pulau Pagang, Pamutusan, Pasumpahan, Sikuai....

Sob.... kali ini kita akan membahas wisata bahari Sumatera Barat yang tidak ada habis-habisnya untuk dinikmati. Sebetulnya terdapat beberapa pulau-pulau kecil yang saling berdekatan dan dapat dikunjungi dalam satu hari perjalanan (one day tour).  Diantara pulau- pulau tersebut terdapat Pulau Pasumpahan, Pulau Sironjong, Pulau Pamutusan, Pulau Sikuai, Pulau Ular, Pulau Setan, Pulau Sawo, dan Pulau Sirandah serta beberapa pulau kecil lainnya. Namun di antara ke semua pulau tersebut tidak semuanya sudah dikelola secara komersil dan terdapat fasilitas yang memadai untuk dikunjungi, namun demikian tetap tidak mengurangi daya tarik bagi para pelancong termasuk para Camper dan Backpacker. Tidak menunggu lama kita bahas satu per satu, sesuai pengalaman kunjungan saya ke pulau-pulau tersebut, jika terdapat kekurangan mohon dimaklumi ya sob :
1. Pulau Pasumpahan
meskipun semua pulau-pulau ini termasuk ke dalam wilayah administratif Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, namun sobat semua dapat menjangkau pulau dengan naik kapal dari Pantai Bungus di Kecamatan Bungus Teluk Kabung, Kota Padang. Sepanjang Perjalanan dijamin tidak akan membosankan, tebing-tebing terjal khas pantai barat Sumatera menjadi pemandangan menarik, indah dan eksotis. Burung camar serta kapal-kapal besar pengangkut barang yang akan berlabuh di Teluk Bayur dari seluruh penjuru Indonesia termasuk dari beberapa negara akan menjadi teman perjalanan di dampingi burung-burung camar yang sesekali secara nakal mencuri tangkapan pukat nelayan. berdiri di ujung perahu dengan hembusan angin sepoi dan terik matahari tropis menjadi suasana tenang dan nyaman yang tidak terucapkan.

memasuki gugusan kepulauan kecil yang menjadi tujuan wisata, kita akan langsung dihadapkan dengan sebuah pulau kecil dengan pantai  berpasir putih melingkar, dan ditumbuhi puluhan pohon kelapa  dengan airnya yang jernih perpaduan warna biru langit, hijau pepohonan, serta putih pasir memunggungi bukit yang seolah menjadi tameng dari terjangan ombak. Membuat suasana pantai terasa nyaman dan tenang dengan riak ombak yang kecil, ajiiiiib. singgah di pulau ini mungkin menjadi prioritas terakhir dari semua keindahan ciptaan Tuhan yang tertumpah di kawasan ini bagi para Guide, namun jika sobat tidak ingin ketinggalan menikmati sebaiknya sobat langsung turun menikmati bareng 1 atau 1,5 jam, sebab jika sobat sudah sampai di pulau-pulau lain yang lebih mengkilap dijamin sobat tidak ingin lagi mampir saat perjalanan pulang. Ok Sob, saran saya tetap singgah sebelum lupa..karena rugi sudah terlanjur lewat.... ini dia Pulau Pasumpahan

Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

Painan Beach, West Sumatera

For most of Melayu Etnich did not wilt in Bangka, in Jambi, South Sumatra or in or anywhere else, to give the title to someone like is a necessity, so do not try to act funny or doing crazy things that are not fair then the title of best will stick for life and never regret because that is the culture that formed naturally. Even when we just became the most reticent though certainly there will be embedding the great honors that they would give. In my village is very remote, it is not uncommon for people to not even know the real name of the owner of the title because everyday they just call like-like title. Dashing young men there who called chicken legs are great simply because it does not pacak play football, some are called Bengap just because the ear is often less alert welcomes incoming messages carried by the wind into his eardrums.
So do not be surprised at my age of just 24 years of my degree is more than the president of a university. Degree that a lot of it makes me not so enthusiastic welcome sarjanaku title. In the village even many who do not know that my name be taken off the market so gallant, Hendra Saputra, ah dashing once, but who cares because they call me everyday Teraut, Teranai. The name of the actual history associated with the name of the market, it's known trade names are certainly a lot of wear. Teraut was more or less a term for people who have a lot of skin diseases, especially tinea versicolor teraut then so be it play on the word scratching, while teranai is a pun on the Malay word hick Manai designation for those who like to eat chili. This title is inadvertently passed to me because of the title of the first person is inexplicably given a name by his mother with me so that I was practically illegal catch title. Then be calling teraut even some that call David. And they began to forget that I ever diMarhabankan as the dashing market, rather they do not want to know. I'm flattered by that name, thank you.
However different milieu vocation at home a little more respectable foreskin, the neighbors called me too. That's okay because I'd rather be called teraut painful than that. Foreskin is more or less the way the Malay boys call the old, while boys usually called Bujang next. The foreskin is a representation for all forms of love and honor, although sound in terms of biology rather less wear. Foreskin is respectful of those who call the smaller brother to the old, because the next brother can no longer be called the foreskin but called brother. Foreskin also repsentasi of the dominant. Then all eyes on the words of the foreskin is something positive until I heard a song called The Foreskin jambi released in DVD format, then all the positive outlook began to fade.
It turned out in my village foreskin foreskin is not the same as in other places in some areas in Jambi. For them the foreskin is any negative byword, the foreskin is a term for people who have designed will be obsolete flunky, the foreskin is also a term for those who are always ill-fated, had debts everywhere, had no apparent way of life, the foreskin is also a term for them who have spiritual suffering unbearable due never considered in association with the opposite sex, rejected many times, but still no shame. The foreskin is the figure left wall face time. I deliberately quote a song that you did not suspect that I had to manipulate the results of the Human Observation puraku pretend this time:
For most people did not wilt in K., in Bangka, in Jambi, South Sumatra or in or anywhere else, to give the title to someone like is a necessity, so do not try to act funny or doing crazy things that are not fair then the title of best will stick for life and never regret because that is the culture that formed naturally. Even when we just became the most reticent though certainly there will be embedding the great honors that they would give. In my village is very remote, it is not uncommon for people to not even know the real name of the owner of the title because everyday they just call like-like title. Dashing young men there who called chicken legs are great simply because it does not pacak play football, some are called Bengap just because the ear is often less alert welcomes incoming messages carried by the wind into his eardrums.
So do not be surprised at my age of just 24 years of my degree is more than the president of a university. Degree that a lot of it makes me not so enthusiastic welcome sarjanaku title. In the village even many who do not know that my name be taken off the market so gallant, Hendra Saputra, ah dashing once, but who cares because they call me everyday Teraut, Teranai. The name of the actual history associated with the name of the market, it's known trade names are certainly a lot of wear. Teraut was more or less a term for people who have a lot of skin diseases, especially tinea versicolor teraut then so be it play on the word scratching, while teranai is a pun on the Malay word hick Manai designation for those who like to eat chili. This title is inadvertently passed to me because of the title of the first person is inexplicably given a name by his mother with me so that I was practically illegal catch title. Then be calling teraut even some that call David. And they began to forget that I ever diMarhabankan as the dashing market, rather they do not want to know. I'm flattered by that name, thank you.
However different milieu vocation at home a little more respectable foreskin, the neighbors called me too. That's okay because I'd rather be called teraut painful than that. Foreskin is more or less the way the Malay boys call the old, while boys usually called Bujang next. The foreskin is a representation for all forms of love and honor, although sound in terms of biology rather less wear. Foreskin is respectful of those who call the smaller brother to the old, because the next brother can no longer be called the foreskin but called brother. Foreskin also repsentasi of the dominant. Then all eyes on the words of the foreskin is something positive until I heard a song called The Foreskin jambi released in DVD format, then all the positive outlook began to fade.
It turned out in my village foreskin foreskin is not the same as in other places in some areas in Jambi. For them the foreskin is any negative byword, the foreskin is a term for people who have designed will be obsolete flunky, the foreskin is also a term for those who are always ill-fated, had debts everywhere, had no apparent way of life, the foreskin is also a term for them who have spiritual suffering unbearable due never considered in association with the opposite sex, rejected many times, but still no shame. The foreskin is the figure left wall face time. I deliberately quote a song that you did not suspect that I had to manipulate the results of the Human Observation puraku pretend this time:

For most people did not wilt in K., in Bangka, in Jambi, South Sumatra or in or anywhere else, to give the title to someone like is a necessity, so do not try to act funny or doing crazy things that are not fair then the title of best will stick for life and never regret because that is the culture that formed naturally. Even when we just became the most reticent though certainly there will be embedding the great honors that they would give. In my village is very remote, it is not uncommon for people to not even know the real name of the owner of the title because everyday they just call like-like title. Dashing young men there who called chicken legs are great simply because it does not pacak play football, some are called Bengap just because the ear is often less alert welcomes incoming messages carried by the wind into his eardrums.
So do not be surprised at my age of just 24 years of my degree is more than the president of a university. Degree that a lot of it makes me not so enthusiastic welcome sarjanaku title. In the village even many who do not know that my name be taken off the market so gallant, Hendra Saputra, ah dashing once, but who cares because they call me everyday Teraut, Teranai. The name of the actual history associated with the name of the market, it's known trade names are certainly a lot of wear. Teraut was more or less a term for people who have a lot of skin diseases, especially tinea versicolor teraut then so be it play on the word scratching, while teranai is a pun on the Malay word hick Manai designation for those who like to eat chili. This title is inadvertently passed to me because of the title of the first person is inexplicably given a name by his mother with me so that I was practically illegal catch title. Then be calling teraut even some that call David. And they began to forget that I ever diMarhabankan as the dashing market, rather they do not want to know. I'm flattered by that name, thank you.
However different milieu vocation at home a little more respectable foreskin, the neighbors called me too. That's okay because I'd rather be called teraut painful than that. Foreskin is more or less the way the Malay boys call the old, while boys usually called Bujang next. The foreskin is a representation for all forms of love and honor, although sound in terms of biology rather less wear. Foreskin is respectful of those who call the smaller brother to the old, because the next brother can no longer be called the foreskin but called brother. Foreskin also repsentasi of the dominant. Then all eyes on the words of the foreskin is something positive until I heard a song called The Foreskin jambi released in DVD format, then all the positive outlook began to fade.
It turned out in my village foreskin foreskin is not the same as in other places in some areas in Jambi. For them the foreskin is any negative byword, the foreskin is a term for people who have designed will be obsolete flunky, the foreskin is also a term for those who are always ill-fated, had debts everywhere, had no apparent way of life, the foreskin is also a term for them who have spiritual suffering unbearable due never considered in association with the opposite sex, rejected many times, but still no shame. The foreskin is the figure left wall face time. I deliberately quote a song that you did not suspect that I had to manipulate the results of the Human Observation puraku pretend this time:
The foreskin deck bachelor oi Jauhari
Banamo fiance dream girl
're Kurindu're gone
You soar in the clouds

On another song also contained the lyrics:
Ado namonyo footman rang the foreskin, babaju becelano narrow field
Road swing wide around kudo braids
Ilir waist flaunt upright homecoming
oi oi foreskin lah lah si si bachelor lapok
Babini boy crew fiance in ambek kanti
oi si lah nak foreskin kemano you now
Batang Hari river huluan children

Hear the poems that my heart whole, pride in the name of the start broken home. So like destiny that name as a symbol of all forms of minor things, then he's also really good at looking for the true heir of that name who will inherit all forms of inner suffering, become obsolete flunky who did not sell-sell. He's looking from a distance huluan Batang Hari river reach 180 KM to meet in a remote country called Tanjung Agung which is not listed in this map, could Captain Jack Sparrow's compass he used to find me. I do not know man, but clearly now I have a sudden the bear's name complete with a set destiny that be footman weathered breast bengeknya.
But I rebelled, I want to have that name with reverence but I resisted that fate. I'll tell you one thing, it comes from the word DESTINY qodar the Arabic word that gets THA tanis letters in front of it so changed to Fate, I tell you again that the letter THA further ahead suggests ficil Madi means something that has been passed or in the language England it can be called Pas Tense. Syarih then its meaning can be called that destiny it is something worth mentioning when he had passed, meaning that when everything is worth fighting for has not happened yet and may be changed. So there is no term surrender to fate, there is no term if people say that poverty is destiny that he received.
You do not mind to ask where I can that theory, too, and you do not have to wonder about right or wrong, take the positive side it is enough that we have to fight for something and change something that will be called destiny. Regardless of whether or not similar things I've ever heard from a preacher that God will not exceed Fate sunatullah, meaning someone who is destined sunatullahnya also running rich if the attempt, sunatullahnya smart people learn. So for me, too, the name of the foreskin will I bear with pride but I'm not going to sue the Lord one day and said my situation as fate because all depends on my effort, in other words I will never believe in the myths that make no sense because I'm a true Muslims.
Name foreskin that makes me become the majority in my village, even in Indonesia, I was also the majority for many things, I like the ball like most Indonesian people despite the fact that not only knows how to play ball and clever berkomenter then I became a majority. I was unemployed graduate so I did the majority because the majority of scholars in this country suffer the same fate as me. I had acne so I that's why the majority of ads acne cleaning products mushroomed in this country. But in West Sumatra because I was the minority a lot of things anyway. Minang people in Jambi is a common thing but people in West Sumatra, Jambi clear minority because most of the students who are just trying to earn a science here. I do not have a partner so I was a minority because most people my age here have a spouse, even though I waited almost a decade. It is kind of redundant if I call a decade but it was not on TV advertising beauty products is also difficult to distinguish between the 30s by the age of 40, not if we logikakan age of 37, or 38 are in their 30s and well ahead of the 40 juga.Entahlah negligence or intentionally disarm the audience somewhat less alert and tricked into buying. Outright lied but no one protests, as well as my scientific authority to take the last decades should no one complains.
I called the foreskin during the minority because I was here most people called Uda. then I was a bit surprised when there is a boarding-kosanku sister started calling me uda. Da Hen, hmmm sweet too. at least it's proof that after nearly a decade I was grazing at the Padang credibility minangku language began to be recognized, in addition to that I also was tired of being a minority and want to get back to being the majority of the Da Hen call was enough for me to push up position after a minor in many ways. Call it increasingly familiar in my ears and I was familiar.
Until one day a Kosku sister called, "Da hen pie samba awaklah bali, cheap yellow curry ado but lamak a bana ko". Ears to hear the word cheap my students quickly catch up and moreover there are faint sounds of words that cheap yellow curry was also good. Finally I follow this exciting offer, students are always looking for a cheap and if possible the maximum discount. I am amazed that the place is just a post similar to a cottage near my home boy, just a stone's throw from the beach, but do not ask how many cars are parked in front of him. Call yellow curry with traditional cooking utensils pots evaporate kind fragrance. It does not seem wrong, if not impossible place is crowded.
Not to mention missing the shock due to the many cars lined up in front of the shop is a little bit better than this decrepit apparently I'm more surprised by the friendly service that has pointed out, initially I was a bit reluctant to buy in small quantities. It's not much choice here but it does invite the yellow curry taste, ah West Sumatra is food paradise. We just wrapped curry of the day, and it turns out it was a different sensation comrade, low prices even just half the price of others make my lunch this time it feels good. Blend of spices and coconut milk typical Minang cuisine that welled although proportional to the increase in patients with hypertension remains an attractive option. Yellow sauce which excites it makes me always want to tell you about the food.
There are two things I liked the most in the country this Nurbaya Midun and Siti, first explore the country for the sake of the country as well as tasting delicious dishes are very famous. I'm now at the center of good food, and even a version of rendang that according to the news agency of the world into the most delicious food center here. So while I'm here wants tasted everything, so it's no wonder I always know where to eat at an affordable price in this city, I never ate at the most interesting places on the foot of Mount Marapi, in the Tarab River, Tanah Datar there even know where to eat the rice cake good in Bukit Tinggi, I assure you that I'm taking you comrades would say that's the most delicious rice cake you've ever tasted, admit it.
I've also tasted the food at Rumah Makan luxury in this city every time had come open together with my friends, even the Japanese restaurant that I think the only one here already I visit more than once. But the teriyaki sauce that sounded pretentious did not fit with belly sumateraku. My stomach was lackluster because since the first did not really like sweet foods and soft, I could not sleep that night in addition to the thought that the price was almost double the standard price, it turns my stomach can not be asked to compromise, Japanese food that has been unpacked and runs secret identity and who I am in fact, that I was the dorky hick town that did not fit with the modern food especially

On another song also contained the lyrics:
Ado namonyo footman rang the foreskin, babaju becelano narrow field
Road swing wide around kudo braids
Ilir waist flaunt upright homecoming
oi oi foreskin lah lah si si bachelor lapok
Babini boy crew fiance in ambek kanti
oi si lah nak foreskin kemano you now
Batang Hari river huluan children

Hear the poems that my heart whole, pride in the name of the start broken home. So like destiny that name as a symbol of all forms of minor things, then he's also really good at looking for the true heir of that name who will inherit all forms of inner suffering, become obsolete flunky who did not sell-sell. He's looking from a distance huluan Batang Hari river reach 180 KM to meet in a remote country called Tanjung Agung which is not listed in this map, could Captain Jack Sparrow's compass he used to find me. I do not know man, but clearly now I have a sudden the bear's name complete with a set destiny that be footman weathered breast bengeknya.
But I rebelled, I want to have that name with reverence but I resisted that fate. I'll tell you one thing, it comes from the word DESTINY qodar the Arabic word that gets THA tanis letters in front of it so changed to Fate, I tell you again that the letter THA further ahead suggests ficil Madi means something that has been passed or in the language England it can be called Pas Tense. Syarih then its meaning can be called that destiny it is something worth mentioning when he had passed, meaning that when everything is worth fighting for has not happened yet and may be changed. So there is no term surrender to fate, there is no term if people say that poverty is destiny that he received.
You do not mind to ask where I can that theory, too, and you do not have to wonder about right or wrong, take the positive side it is enough that we have to fight for something and change something that will be called destiny. Regardless of whether or not similar things I've ever heard from a preacher that God will not exceed Fate sunatullah, meaning someone who is destined sunatullahnya also running rich if the attempt, sunatullahnya smart people learn. So for me, too, the name of the foreskin will I bear with pride but I'm not going to sue the Lord one day and said my situation as fate because all depends on my effort, in other words I will never believe in the myths that make no sense because I'm a true Muslims.
Name foreskin that makes me become the majority in my village, even in Indonesia, I was also the majority for many things, I like the ball like most Indonesian people despite the fact that not only knows how to play ball and clever berkomenter then I became a majority. I was unemployed graduate so I did the majority because the majority of scholars in this country suffer the same fate as me. I had acne so I that's why the majority of ads acne cleaning products mushroomed in this country. But in West Sumatra because I was the minority a lot of things anyway. Minang people in Jambi is a common thing but people in West Sumatra, Jambi clear minority because most of the students who are just trying to earn a science here. I do not have a partner so I was a minority because most people my age here have a spouse, even though I waited almost a decade. It is kind of redundant if I call a decade but it was not on TV advertising beauty products is also difficult to distinguish between the 30s by the age of 40, not if we logikakan age of 37, or 38 are in their 30s and well ahead of the 40 juga.Entahlah negligence or intentionally disarm the audience somewhat less alert and tricked into buying. Outright lied but no one protests, as well as my scientific authority to take the last decades should no one complains.
I called the foreskin during the minority because I was here most people called Uda. then I was a bit surprised when there is a boarding-kosanku sister started calling me uda. Da Hen, hmmm sweet too. at least it's proof that after nearly a decade I was grazing at the Padang credibility minangku language began to be recognized, in addition to that I also was tired of being a minority and want to get back to being the majority of the Da Hen call was enough for me to push up position after a minor in many ways. Call it increasingly familiar in my ears and I was familiar.
Until one day a Kosku sister called, "Da hen pie samba awaklah bali, cheap yellow curry ado but lamak a bana ko". Ears to hear the word cheap my students quickly catch up and moreover there are faint sounds of words that cheap yellow curry was also good. Finally I follow this exciting offer, students are always looking for a cheap and if possible the maximum discount. I am amazed that the place is just a post similar to a cottage near my home boy, just a stone's throw from the beach, but do not ask how many cars are parked in front of him. Call yellow curry with traditional cooking utensils pots evaporate kind fragrance. It does not seem wrong, if not impossible place is crowded.
Not to mention missing the shock due to the many cars lined up in front of the shop is a little bit better than this decrepit apparently I'm more surprised by the friendly service that has pointed out, initially I was a bit reluctant to buy in small quantities. It's not much choice here but it does invite the yellow curry taste, ah West Sumatra is food paradise. We just wrapped curry of the day, and it turns out it was a different sensation comrade, low prices even just half the price of others make my lunch this time it feels good. Blend of spices and coconut milk typical Minang cuisine that welled although proportional to the increase in patients with hypertension remains an attractive option. Yellow sauce which excites it makes me always want to tell you about the food.
There are two things I liked the most in the country this Nurbaya Midun and Siti, first explore the country for the sake of the country as well as tasting delicious dishes are very famous. I'm now at the center of good food, and even a version of rendang that according to the news agency of the world into the most delicious food center here. So while I'm here wants tasted everything, so it's no wonder I always know where to eat at an affordable price in this city, I never ate at the most interesting places on the foot of Mount Marapi, in the Tarab River, Tanah Datar there even know where to eat the rice cake good in Bukit Tinggi, I assure you that I'm taking you comrades would say that's the most delicious rice cake you've ever tasted, admit it.
I've also tasted the food at Rumah Makan luxury in this city every time had come open together with my friends, even the Japanese restaurant that I think the only one here already I visit more than once. But the teriyaki sauce that sounded pretentious did not fit with belly sumateraku. My stomach was lackluster because since the first did not really like sweet foods and soft, I could not sleep that night in addition to the thought that the price was almost double the standard price, it turns my stomach can not be asked to compromise, Japanese food that has been unpacked and runs secret identity and who I am in fact, that I was the dorky hick town that did not fit with the modern food especially

On another song also contained the lyrics:

Hear the poems that my heart whole, pride in the name of the start broken home. So like destiny that name as a symbol of all forms of minor things, then he's also really good at looking for the true heir of that name who will inherit all forms of inner suffering, become obsolete flunky who did not sell-sell. He's looking from a distance huluan Batang Hari river reach 180 KM to meet in a remote country called Tanjung Agung which is not listed in this map, could Captain Jack Sparrow's compass he used to find me. I do not know man, but clearly now I have a sudden the bear's name complete with a set destiny that be footman weathered breast bengeknya.
But I rebelled, I want to have that name with reverence but I resisted that fate. I'll tell you one thing, it comes from the word DESTINY qodar the Arabic word that gets THA tanis letters in front of it so changed to Fate, I tell you again that the letter THA further ahead suggests ficil Madi means something that has been passed or in the language England it can be called Pas Tense. Syarih then its meaning can be called that destiny it is something worth mentioning when he had passed, meaning that when everything is worth fighting for has not happened yet and may be changed. So there is no term surrender to fate, there is no term if people say that poverty is destiny that he received.
You do not mind to ask where I can that theory, too, and you do not have to wonder about right or wrong, take the positive side it is enough that we have to fight for something and change something that will be called destiny. Regardless of whether or not similar things I've ever heard from a preacher that God will not exceed Fate sunatullah, meaning someone who is destined sunatullahnya also running rich if the attempt, sunatullahnya smart people learn. So for me, too, the name of the foreskin will I bear with pride but I'm not going to sue the Lord one day and said my situation as fate because all depends on my effort, in other words I will never believe in the myths that make no sense because I'm a true Muslims.
Name foreskin that makes me become the majority in my village, even in Indonesia, I was also the majority for many things, I like the ball like most Indonesian people despite the fact that not only knows how to play ball and clever berkomenter then I became a majority. I was unemployed graduate so I did the majority because the majority of scholars in this country suffer the same fate as me. I had acne so I that's why the majority of ads acne cleaning products mushroomed in this country. But in West Sumatra because I was the minority a lot of things anyway. Minang people in Jambi is a common thing but people in West Sumatra, Jambi clear minority because most of the students who are just trying to earn a science here. I do not have a partner so I was a minority because most people my age here have a spouse, even though I waited almost a decade. It is kind of redundant if I call a decade but it was not on TV advertising beauty products is also difficult to distinguish between the 30s by the age of 40, not if we logikakan age of 37, or 38 are in their 30s and well ahead of the 40 juga.Entahlah negligence or intentionally disarm the audience somewhat less alert and tricked into buying. Outright lied but no one protests, as well as my scientific authority to take the last decades should no one complains.
I called the foreskin during the minority because I was here most people called Uda. then I was a bit surprised when there is a boarding-kosanku sister started calling me uda. Da Hen, hmmm sweet too. at least it's proof that after nearly a decade I was grazing at the Padang credibility minangku language began to be recognized, in addition to that I also was tired of being a minority and want to get back to being the majority of the Da Hen call was enough for me to push up position after a minor in many ways. Call it increasingly familiar in my ears and I was familiar.
Until one day a Kosku sister called, "Da hen pie samba awaklah bali, cheap yellow curry ado but lamak a bana ko". Ears to hear the word cheap my students quickly catch up and moreover there are faint sounds of words that cheap yellow curry was also good. Finally I follow this exciting offer, students are always looking for a cheap and if possible the maximum discount. I am amazed that the place is just a post similar to a cottage near my home boy, just a stone's throw from the beach, but do not ask how many cars are parked in front of him. Call yellow curry with traditional cooking utensils pots evaporate kind fragrance. It does not seem wrong, if not impossible place is crowded.
Not to mention missing the shock due to the many cars lined up in front of the shop is a little bit better than this decrepit apparently I'm more surprised by the friendly service that has pointed out, initially I was a bit reluctant to buy in small quantities. It's not much choice here but it does invite the yellow curry taste, ah West Sumatra is food paradise. We just wrapped curry of the day, and it turns out it was a different sensation comrade, low prices even just half the price of others make my lunch this time it feels good. Blend of spices and coconut milk typical Minang cuisine that welled although proportional to the increase in patients with hypertension remains an attractive option. Yellow sauce which excites it makes me always want to tell you about the food.
There are two things I liked the most in the country this Nurbaya Midun and Siti, first explore the country for the sake of the country as well as tasting delicious dishes are very famous. I'm now at the center of good food, and even a version of rendang that according to the news agency of the world into the most delicious food center here. So while I'm here wants tasted everything, so it's no wonder I always know where to eat at an affordable price in this city, I never ate at the most interesting places on the foot of Mount Marapi, in the Tarab River, Tanah Datar there even know where to eat the rice cake good in Bukit Tinggi, I assure you that I'm taking you comrades would say that's the most delicious rice cake you've ever tasted, admit it.
I've also tasted the food at Rumah Makan luxury in this city every time had come open together with my friends, even the Japanese restaurant that I think the only one here already I visit more than once. But the teriyaki sauce that sounded pretentious did not fit with belly sumateraku. My stomach was lackluster because since the first did not really like sweet foods and soft, I could not sleep that night in addition to the thought that the price was almost double the standard price, it turns my stomach can not be asked to compromise, Japanese food that has been unpacked and runs secret identity and who I am in fact, that I was the dorky hick town that did not fit with the modern food especially 

Senin, 05 November 2012

A.    Strukturalisme Transedental
Ada jarak sosio-historis yang sangat jauh antara gejala sosial lima belas abad yang lalu di Arab pada konteks sosial dengan konteks sosial masyarakat masa kini dan di sini. Pada masa itu masyarakat praindustrial, masyarakat kesukuan (tribal society), dan masyakat homogen, sedangkan sekarang kita menghadapi masyarakat indutrial, masyarakat kenegaraan (civic society), dan masyarakat heterogen.
1) Struktur
Meskipun banyak varian keilmuan, kaum strukturali mempunyai persamaan dasar (common sense), yaitu gagasan mengenai struktur. menurutWebster’s   International Dictionary, kata structure berasal dari bahasa latin structure yang artinya bangunan, dari structus atau stuere yang berarti menyusun. Lima arti dalam kamus itu semuanya merujuk pada bangunan dalam arti konkret (misalnya bangunan) atau bangunan dalam arti abstrak (social structure,bangunan sosial). Jean Piaget dalam Structuralism (New York : Harper dan Row, Publisher,1970) menyebutkan tiga cri dari struktur, yaitu (1) wholenes (keseluruhan), (2) transformation (perubahan bentuk), (3) self- regulation (mengatur diri sendiri).
a.       Keseluruhan
Keseluruhan merupakan suatu koherensi. Suatu struktur itu sudah lengkap dan bukan semata- mata terdiri dari kumpulan unsur-unsur yang lepas. Unsur-unsur dari suatu struktur tunduk pada hukum yang mengatur keseuruhan struktur, unsur tidak berdiri secara terpisah akan tetapi merupakan menjadi milik suatu struktur. Misalnya : Islam (menyerah kepada Tuhan) sebagai keseuruhan mempunyai unsur-unsur seperti shaat, zakat, dan puasa. Masing- masing unsur memiliki hukum sendiri akan tetapi dalam Islam ada gagasan mengenai Islam yang Kaffah (QS. Albaqarah: 208) yang tidak dapat disusutkan menjadi satu per satu unsur- unsur Islam. Orang yang shalat dengan baik, membayar zakat dengan penuh, dan puasa dengan baik, belum tentu sempurna keIslamannya. Akan tetapi untuk sampai kesana butuh loncatan pengetahuan.
b.      Perubahan Bentuk
Strutktur bersifat tidak statis, karenanya gagasan mengenai perubahan bentuk itu penting. Struktur memperkaya diri dengan menambah bahan- bahan baru. Bahasa misalnya dapat menambah variasi ungkapan.
Islam yang tumbuh dalam rentang waktu 23 tahun masa kerasulan Nabi SAW. Karenanya transformasi itu terjadi dalam masa pembentukkannya secara temporal, yakni transformasi dari Islam yang semata- mata sebagai gerakan keagamaan pada priode Makkah menjadi gerakan sosial-politik pada priode Madinah. Islam juga mengalami transformasi spatial, historis, dan sosial. Misanya dari agama kota (Makkah, Madinah pada abad ke-7: pedagang dan birokrat) menjadi agama orang desa (Jawa, abad ke-16 : Petani) kemudian menjadi Islam politik pada masa kerajaan.
c.       Mengatur Diri Sendi
Penambahan unsur- unsur baru tidak pernah berada di luar struktur, tapi telah memelihara unsur itu sendiri. Dengan demikian, Suatu struktur itu melestarikan diri sendiri dan tertutup dari pengaruh dari luar.
Contohnya tradisi pengambilan hukum meaui Ijma’(konsensus ulama), qiyas (analogi), fatwa, dan ijtihad selalu menjadikan Al-qur’an dan Assunah sebagai rujukan, sehingga penambahan unsur baru harus mempunyai kaitan yang jelas dengan Islam secara keseluruhan.
2)      Strukturalisme
Ciri strukturalisme menurut Michael Lane dalam introduction to structuralism (New York : Basic Books Inc.1970) :
a.       Inter-connectedness (keterkaitan antar unsur)
Keterkaitan sangat ditekankan dalam Islam. Misalnya keterkaitan antara puasa dengan zakat, hubungan vertikal (dengan Tuhan) dengan hubungan Horzontal (antar manusia), dan antara shalat dengan solidaritas sosial. Keterkaitan itu misalnya secara eksplisit antara Shalat dengan solidaritas sosial, dalam surat Alma’un disebutkan termasuk mendustakan agama bagi  mereka yang shalat tetapi tidak mempunyai kepedulian sosial terhadap kemiskinan.
b.      Innate structuring capacity (kekuatan pembentuk struktur)
Dalam Islam, tauhid mempunyai kekuatan membentuk struktur yang paling dalam. Sesudah itu ada deep structure, yaitu akidah, ibadah, akhlak, syari’ah, dan muammalah.

a.       Binary opposition (pertentangan antara dua hal) dua gejala yang saling bertentang juga terdapat di dalam ajaran Islam, yaitu pasangan (azwaj) dan musuh (aduwwun) yang masing- masing menghasilkan equilibrium dan pertentangan. Misalnya :
Equilibrium, pertentangan antara kehendak Tuhan dengan kehendak manusia, badan dengan ruh, lahir dan bathin, alaki-laki dan perempuan, dunia dan akhirat, muzaki dan mustahik, orang kaya dan miskin, dan sebagainya.
Konflik, antara Tuhan VS setan, zhulumat VS Nur, mukmin VS Musyrik, Halal dan haram.
b.      Strukturalisme memperhatikan unsur- unsur yang bersifaf Sinkronis, Bukan diakronis. Unsur- unsur dalam satu waktu yang sama bukan antar waktu, diakronis, atau historis.
1)      Transedental
Berasal dari bahasa latin transcender yang artinya memanjat di/ke atas. Dari lima arti dalam Webster’s New International Dictionary yang dekat dengan keperluan kita adalah transedental dengan makna “abstrak, metafisis” dan “melampaui”.
Dalam khazanah kesusastraan Indonesia orang menyebut sastra yang dihasilkan oleh orang- orang seperti Sutardji Calzum Bachri dan Abdul Hadi W.M dalam puisi dan Danarto dalam cerita pendek. Ketika pengarang itu memakai masalah- masalah spiritual, masalah ketuhanan,sebagai tema. Sekarang ini Sastra Transedental sangat diperlukan karena kemanusiaan hanya mungkin diselamatkan dengan iman.
Transedensi seperti dalam tadisi Nabi Ibrahim merupakan kunci bagi penyelamtan manusia modern. Teknologi, Ilmu, dan manajemen memang membawa kemajuan akan tetapi gagal membawa kebahagiaan. Kekerasan adalah akibat dari kemajuan teknologi perang, kekuasaan pasar adalah buah dari penguasaan ilmu, kesenjangan adalah hasil ketimpangan manajemen. Semuanya tanpa iman. Transedental dalam arti spiritual akan membawa manusia menyelesaikan masalah- masalah modern.
Pertanyaan yang mungkin mengganggu pikiran kita adalah bagaimana mungkin kita menerapkan episteme (sistem pengetahuan pada suatu waktu- istilah Michel Foucault) sosial yang lahir lima belas abad yang lalu kepada masa kini. Ada jarak geografis, historis dan sosial.
Pendek kata, ada loncatan peradaban sejak Islam ditumbuhkan sampai di Indonesia sekarang. Tanpa kesadaran sejarah, kita akan gagal memahami peryubahan- perubahannya, seolah- seolah tanpa kecuali Islam dari abad ke-7 itu tidak mengalami transformasi karena abadi dan universal.
Jarak antara masyarakat petani dengan masyarakat industri yang begitu transparan bagi ilmuwan sosial sering tidak disadari oleh tokoh-tokoh umat. Masyarakat petani dan praindustrial sangat tergantung pada ahklak perorangan sedangkan masyarakat industrial sangat tergantung pada akhlak kolektif. Dapat saja terjadi perorangan masyarakat menunjukkan iman dan takwa, tetapi institusi tidak shaleh sehingga masyarakatnya penuh kemungkaran.
Bagian terbesar fiqh pastilah berasal dari zaman praindustrial sehingga dapat difahami  kalau ada ulama yang sangat mendukung kekuasaan. Lagi pula masalah- masalah birokrasi, kepemimpinan kolektif, hubungan negara dengan negara, hubungan negara-masyarakat, kekuatans sosial, dan jaminan sosial pada umumnya pastilah luput dari perhatian. Pada waktu itu belum ada social division of labor yang kompleks sehingga masalah kelas pastilah tidak masuk dalam agenda- agenda fiqih. Kemasukan masalah- masalah modern memberi kesan seolah- olah Islam tidak berbicara apa-apa dan karenanya tidak berhak berkata tentang masalah- masalah masa kini.

Strukturalisme Transedental
Dalam Islam sejumlah agenda baru diperlukan supaya agama “sesuai” dengan perubahan- perubahan, yaitu supaya unsur-unsur muammalahnya tidak ketinggalan zaman. Agenda baru itu dapat menjadi lahan bagi ijtihad. Pendekatan lama yang bersifat individual tetap diperlukan sebab individulah yang akan mempertanggungjawabkan. Namun diperlukan perluasan, perluasan itu berupa enam macam kesadaran, yaitu (1) kesadaran adanya perubahan (2) kesadaran kolektif (3) kesadaran sejarah (4) kesadaran adanya fakta sosial (5) kesadaran adanya masyarakat abstrak (6) kesadaran perlunya objetifikasi
·      Kesadaran adanya perubahan. Ada gambaran di kalangan umat bahwa pemimpin agama itu tidak berubah dari waktu ke waktu, peran dan kualifikasinya. Padahal di pedesaan sendiri peran kiai sebagai cutural broker sudah banyak digantikan. Kehadiran birokrat, guru, PLP, radio dan TV telah banyak menggantikan peran kiai.
suatu angket majalah Ummat menunjukkan bahwa rupa-rupanya, kelas menengah kota meletakkan sikap kritis sebagai kriteri utama. Nama H.M Amien Rais jauh berada di atas K.H Zainuddin M.Z yang pernah menduduki rangking pertama dalam jajak pendapat Ummat sendiri. Kenyataan inilah yang menegaskan perlunya kesadaran tentang perubahan.
·      Kesadaran kolektif.  Pada zaman kolonial dengan mudah kaum ulama dipecah menjadi ulama rakyat dengan ulama negara. Demikian pula pada zaman orde lama, ada ulama pro pemerintah dan ada ulama anti pemerintah.  Realitas sejarah ini menunjukkan bahwa ajaran tentang ummatan wahidah itu selalu tenggelam oleh hiruk pikuk politik. Kalau kesatuan  kolektif tidak bisa diusahakan dalam bentuk (form, wujud luar) maka setidaknya harus ada kesadaran/kesatuan dalam isi (substance,wujud dalam), sehingga jamaah apa pun yang  di atas angin akan tetap menyuarakan Islam yang sama. Kesadaran itu tidak hanya dalam masalah politik akan tetapi juga dalam masalah ekonomi, budaya dan sosial. Banyak orang yang mengaku Islam akan tetapi dalam ekonomi ia adalah seorang kapitalis. Sudah banyak kepustakaan Islam tentang sistem ekonomi.
Dalam bidang sosial sering orang lupa adanya kesatuan umat. Kita tidak sensitif kepada sebagian umat yang kekurangan sandang, pangan, dan papan. Kebanyakan kita baru akan sadar bahwa ada yang kurang pada kita ketika kekurangan itu memudahkan pemurtadan.
·      Kesadaran sejarah. Ada continuum antara kesadaran individu ke kesadaran kolektif ke kesadaran sejarah. Kaum muslim baru sampai pada kesadaran individu. Gambaran tentang masa depannya dikaitkan dengan individu, tidak pernah dengan umat, apalagi dengan sejarah umat. Kesadaran sejarah adalah kesadaran bahwa umat sebagai kolektivitas adalah unit sejarah yang mau tidak mau terlibat dalam perkembangan sejarah. Kesadaran sejarah berarti umat  harus aktif sebagai subjek yang menentukan sejarahnya sendiri, tidak hanya menunggu dikendalikan kekuatan sejarah lain sabagai objek. Kita ambil contoh bahwa Islam memiliki cita- cita ekonomi sendiri. Contoh lain dalam bidang politik sebagian umat Islam berada di garis depan dalam pembentukan masyarakat madani (civil society) dengan clean government,
·      Kesadaran adanya fakta sosial. Bila orang baru sampai pada kesadaran individual pastilah sistem pengtahuannya baru sampai pada fakta individu. Pada masyarakat tradisional, praindustrial, dan homogen memang tidak terjadi masalah. Semuanya memiliki standar yang sama dalam ahlakul karimah. Bayangkan dalam masyarakat indutrial yang heterogen, kompleks dan dengan division of labor standar akhlakul karimah pastilah berbeda, di samping adanya persamaan. Di sini muncullah sistem kelas, dalam hal ini kelas majikan dan kelass buruh. Akhakul Karimah bagi majikan adalah kelangsungan usahanya. Sedangkan bagi buruh adalah gaji setinggi- tingginya.
Sejarah Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa SI-merah lebih populer daripada SI-puti, dan PKI lebih populer daripada partai-partai Islam, di kalangan buruh tani dan buruh karena umat tidak sensitif dengan masalah munculnya proletarianisasi di pedesaan dan di perkotaan. Itu semua karena umat gagal melihat fakta sosial yang muncul bersama industrialisasi.
·      Kesadaran adanya masyarakat abstrak. Hubungan dari muka ke muka hilang ketika muncul masyarakat abstrak. Dalam masyarakat indutrial yang mengatur bukan orang tetapi sistem. Setiap orang diharapkan berpartisipasi dalam masyakat yang abstrak, impersonal. Karakteristik perorangan harus bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan sistem. Komunikasi keagamaan bergantung pada sistem yang abstrak dan objektif, tidak kepada orang yang konkret dan subjektif. Umat harus banyak memperhatikan komunikasi abstrak agar dakwah berhasil. Simbol memang tidak berhadapan langsung dengan orang akan tetapi dapat memberikan rasa bangga sebagai seorang muslim, mencegah seseorang untuk murtad atau menjadi sekular. Makin modern suatu masyarakat makin abstrak masyarakat itu. Oleh karena itu tugas umat adalah rekayasa ke arah masyarakat abstrak dengan sebanyak mungkin memadukan 3 hal : agama, ilmu dan seni.
·      Kesadaran perlunya objektifikasi. Masyarakat industrial juga semakin plural, dan umat harus bisa menerima pluralisme itu sebagai konsekuensi logis dari masyarakat kebangsaan. Dapat dibayangkan betapa berat Founding Father yang beragama Islam harus menghapus tujuh kata dari Piagam Jakarta karena mereka pasti merasa bahwa umat Islam sudah menumpahkan darah paling banyak untuk Indonesia. Akan tetapi penghapusan itu terjadi. Kiranya perasaan yang sama akan melilit umat sekarang ini, sebab antara tahun 1970-1990 terjadi marjinalisasi yang menyakitkan hati umat. Namun sekali lagi dibutuhkan kesadaran bahwa umat menjadi bagian dari bangsa yang plural. Karenanya ada pekerjaan ganda bagi umat. Di satu pihak dia harus melakukan eksternalisasi ke dalam, dan di lain pihak ia harus melakukan objetifikasi ke luar. Objektifikasi ialah perbuatan objektif semata mengenai perbedaan eksternalisasi dan objektifikasi selanjutnya.

dikutip dari : kuntowidjoyo. 2006. Islam dan Ilmu. Yogyakarta : Tiara Wacana 

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Cerita Komedi ini Merupakan Hasil karya dari Mahasiswa Teknokrat Jawa Tengah.

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Tanggal Rilis : 28 October 2011
Jenis Film : Adventure | Comedy | Thriller
Diperankan Oleh : Rowan Atkinson, Rosamund Pike and Dominic West

Ringkasan Cerita FILM JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN (2011) :

Johnny English (Rowan Atkinson) memang bukan James Bond meskipun dua-duanya adalah agen rahasia Inggris. Kalau James Bond disebut sebagai agen terbaik, Johnny English malah sebaliknya. Lima tahun sebelumnya Johnny ditugaskan dalam sebuah misi rahasia yang ternyata malah berakhir sangat kacau. Johnny tak hanya disalahkan atasannya tapi juga menanggung malu. Karena itu juga akhirnya Johnny akhirnya memutuskan mengasingkan diri dan tinggal di dalam gua di Tibet.

Misi di Mozambique lima tahun silam memang sebuah aib besar. Johnny English merasakan pukulan dahsyat dan tak sanggup lagi berhadapan dengan para koleganya. Lima tahun berlalu dan Johnny masih belum bisa melupakan kejadian pahit itu. Suatu saat Johnny bertemu seorang biarawan yang bersedia melatih Johnny ilmu bela diri. Ternyata ini baru awal dari perjalanan baru Johnny English. Tak lama kemudian Johnny dihubungi MI7 dan diminta untuk kembali bertugas.

Di London, Johnny ternyata mendapatkan tugas baru. Ada rumor kalau sekawanan pemberontak di Asia Tenggara sedang merencanakan aksi besar-besaran. Mereka sedang membangun senjata nuklir Johnny ditugaskan untuk memastikan China berada di pihak Inggris. Johnny English juga harus memastikan usaha pembunuhan terhadap kepala negara China gagal. Bukan tugas yang ringan tapi sekarang Johnny English sudah bukan agen rahasia konyol seperti dulu lagi. Atau malah sebenarnya tak ada yang berubah dengan sosok Johnny English?

[IMDb rating : 6.3/10]
[Awards : 2 nominations]
[Production Co : Universal Pictures]
[IMDb link : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1634122/]
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Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

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Jumat, 03 Februari 2012